Pokemon xy episode 29 english dub full
Description > Pokemon xy episode 29 english dub full
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Description > Pokemon xy episode 29 english dub full
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July 4, 2015 April 30, 2015 65 days So You're Having a Bad Day! Only Meowth is able to escape. However, Team Rocket is also pursuing the other Zygarde Core, leading to a fight between the two teams.
Ash will catch new Kalos Pokémon, and make new rivals along the way to compete in the Kalos League and learning about the secrets of. July 16, 2016 April 14, 2016 93 days The Synchronicity Test! Serena, Sycamore, and Mairin infiltrate Lysandre Labs to rescue Chespie while Hoenn Champion Steven Stone and Team Rocket distract Team Flare's Mable and Celosia.
Pokemon XY&Z Episode 29 - When Pikachu is captured and brainwashed as well, Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, and Meowth go to save him and Team Rocket. The Bonds that Would Save the World!!